Kronsguard Container lock Basis incl. padlock
NEW: Material thickness for forks: 8 mm HARDENED
- You have the choice: Choose from 3 padlocks
- Container locking also available without padlock
- High security for your containers
The padlock shackle lock can be versatilely used to secure doors, containers, steel latches, and fastenings. The use of a padlock prevents theft and the tampering of goods. The Kronsguard padlock shackle lock features a removable shackle and is made of black hardened steel. The removable shackle facilitates locking and unlocking the padlock, especially in tight or hard-to-reach areas. This results in high flexibility and various applications. The hardened steel provides high security against break-ins or tampering, thus protecting your goods.
The padlock shackle lock can also be purchased as an additional option for container locking. The shackle lock comes standard with 4 keys and is also available as a keyed-alike option. It is not possible to produce duplicate keys for a lock system that has already been delivered.
What does different keyed and keyed alike mean?
Keyed different (kd) = The key can only open or close one lock and is unique.
Keyed alike (ka) = With one key you can open and close several locks.
Technical details:
Content / packaging unit:
Teflon adhesive blocks the locking mechanism! Use brake cleaner to clean the lock. Then, apply a few drops of light oil into the keyhole and turn the key back and forth several times.
Suitable types of oil include sewing machine oil, gun oil, and thin synthetic motor oil.
Data sheet
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NEW: Material thickness for forks: 8 mm HARDENED
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